Tournament will be double elimination with wrestle backs to 5th and 6th place. Match periods will be 1/1/1 for 1st-8th grade, and 2/1/1 for 9th grade-college/open.
Headgear, singlets, and wrestling shoes are recommended but not required.
Athletes must be prepared and must submit to a Skin Disease screening at weigh-in. The Chief Medical Officer’s decision is final and not subject to appeal.
All athletes will be required to weigh-in at the Illinois Wesleyan Shirk Center at the time indicated below:
1st grade - 8th grade boys and girls:
June 28, 5:00pm-7:00pm — or — June 29, 7:00am-7:45am.
Wrestling starts at 9:00am on June 29.
9th grade - College/Open men and women:
June 28, 5:00pm-7:00pm — or — June 29, 10:00am-10:45am
Wrestling starts at 12:00pm on June 29.
There are no predetermined weight classes for this event. Weights will be blocked after weigh-ins are complete.
General Information
Pre-registration: $55 entry fee per person for all divisions.
On-site registration: $65 entry fee per person for all divisions.
Tournament location:
Illinois Wesleyan University Shirk Center
302 E. Emerson St.
Bloomington, IL 61702June 29, 2024
The tournament will be broadcast live at
Coach Passes are $25 each and allow that coach access to the mat during their participant's match, as well as serve as your admission pass.
Adult 14 & up: $15
Youth 8–13: $5
Youth 7 & under: Free
Cash checks, and credit cards are accepted on-site.
Air conditioning is available in the main gym. The field house area and concourse are not air conditioned.
Participants and attendees are not permitted to bring in their own food, drink, or coolers. A concession stand will be open during the tournament.
There are not predetermined weight classes for this event. Weights will be blocked after weigh-ins are complete.
Boys 1st–2nd Grade: Folk Style
Boys 3rd–4th Grade: Folk Style
Boys 5th–6th Grade: Folk Style
Boys 7th–8th Grade: Folk Style
Boys 9th–10th Grade: Folk Style
Boys 11th–12th Grade: Folk Style
Men College/Open: Folk Style
Girls 1st–2nd Grade: Folk Style
Girls 3rd–4th Grade: Folk Style
Girls 5th–6th Grade: Folk Style
Girls 7th–8th Grade: Folk Style
Girls 9th–10th Grade: Folk Style
Girls 11th–12th Grade: Folk Style
Women College/Open: Free Style
There are not predetermined weight classes for this event. Weight classes will be determined (blocked) at weigh-ins (all weight classes in pounds).
Pre-registration: $55 entry fee per person for all divisions.
On-site registration: $65 entry fee per person for all divisions.
Wrestlers should register for the grade that was most recently completed.